English Cocker Spaniel
Lists of English Cocker Spaniel
Product Offers for English Cocker Spaniel Care: Healthy Breeds Z-Flex Max Hip & Joint Support, or find other offers here
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15 1 1 0
11 1 1 0
21 1 1 1
18 1 1 1
21 1 1 1
41 1 1 4
48 1 0 7
50 1 0 9
48 1 0 5
60 2 4 8
Product Offers for English Cocker Spaniel Care: Healthy Breeds Z-Flex Max Hip & Joint Support, or find other offers here
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The English Cocker Spaniel is not a crossbreed, but a purebred dog. With its dark, sparkling eyes, this dog breed is known as a sporting dog with great stamina and energy. Its long coat, light coat texture, and less undercoat combination allow it to thrive in more temperate climates with a light coat texture and less undercoat combination. As such, it can also live in warmer regions.
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